Thursday, May 19, 2016

Laziness: The Killer of Success

How many times have you tried to get something done but failed because you procrastinated? Several you will say. I put it to you that the more you put things off for the future, the more they won't get done. Getting to shift today's responsibility to tomorrow is a signal that you are being lazy.

That's why I have always emphasized a style of "Whatever can be done must be done quickly and now". My sisters used to ask me; "but how?". I will never forget that my response to them comes from one of my grandmother's most loved quotes "a stitch in time saves nine".

You can only achieve what you attempted to do and not what you planned to do. Every plan must be turned into a plausible action that culminates in the achievement of something that was started in our minds.

The most successful of men have been seen to be crazy about timing. One author puts it in a way that got me thinking. I will never forget how it said, most people plan using hours and days whereas the most successful ones in the world plan with minutes. To them, every minute is important and should never be wasted.

So lazying around  without attacking an issue of importance may not show its detrimental part at the moment one is being lackadaisical about responsibilities, it however will be obvious when its time to count the achievements and successes.

Opportunity once lost may never be regained as they say. Even in a case when the opportunity represents itself, if it was judiciously capitalized in the first instance, the second show up should have become an added advantage. What my dad would call cake's icing.

In a bid not to be lazy, I wrote this piece from a simple idea that came to me early this morning and I indeed agreed with myself that anything that must be done must be done immediately, promptly and effectively. It's not just a thought but I have been able to turn a piece of idea in the mind into a plausible action.

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